Adarsh Samaj - NGO India, Faridabad
NGO India Rural Area Technology Development
NGO in Faridabad
Regd. Office:
Adarsh Samaj Sahyog Samiti
909, Sector-9,
Faridabad-121006, Haryana, India
Phone: 9717079558,9873342449


Mrs. Priya Srivastava
President, Women Welfare
Contact: +91-8851101098
Centre of Technology for Sustainable Development
Integrated SDGs

Rural Area Development


Some of the potential concepts which are helpful in the development of rural areas are summarized below:

For better rural living, availability of energy in a amount which is not less than the requirement in the rural sector is one of the most important issues for which Adarsh Samaj is continuously working since its establishment. Animal energy and energy obtained after recycling the agriculture and home waste can be the major energy sources in rural areas and using all these renewable energy resources. Increasing the efficiency of animal energy and recycled energy leads to the up gradation in the appliances and systems which uses any form of energy.

Agricultural Operation
The productivity and quality of agricultural operations is extremely poor in India. we need improve the productivity by giving due attention to required inputs, rationalization and proper implementation/sequencing of different operations with use of improved appliances.

Availability of quality water supply for all water needs is also the main issue in rural development. Availability of water can be achieved by organize its supply within the reach of the population, examine the quality in relation to drinking water quality requirements, covering, micro organisms, heavy metals, pesticides and other toxics etc. The Clean-up methods can be established and implemented for better quality of water.

Data of indoor and outdoor air quality should be collected and analysed. Kerosene sulphur level should be reduced by providing the superior fuel for cooking and other works. Pollution generating village operations should be modified to environment friendly practices which will help in both saving the diseases and money which is spent for the treatments.

Sanitation and Health Care
Toilets are other basic requirements in rural community are not up to the mark. Provision of proper toilets and disposal of waste is an urgent necessity. Rural areas should have reasonable access to basic and proper health care facilities. Family planning is required to be ensuring that available resources are not unduly fragmented.

Management Systems and Human Quality
The political system of rural areas has not been successful a single time in changing much the quality of life in villages. Political systems in village should have the direct involvement of concerned people in identifying the problems, choosing the programs for solution and implementing them can assist in achieving the desired objectives.

Primary education to all children in rural areas is the must needed change for the rural and the country development as well. Education is a major factor which can bring changes in all areas, changing the mindset, adopting new and better ideas, taking initiatives and moving towards improving the quality of living. In addition adult education is also required to correct the huge backlog created specially in some backward rural areas. Vocational training for rural workforce can provide necessary skills to the rural communities and authorities.

Technology Transfer
There are many new concepts and technologies, which are emerging both in India and abroad for the better development of rural areas. For example use of efficient agriculture equipments which require less energy like a hybrid tractor. The village communities should apply those new concepts and technologies to minimize the use of resources and increased efficiency, it will help in saving both the valuable time and money

Rural Industries
Rural industries produce a lot of carbon footprints which leads in increasing the pollution so they need not be polluting. They should follow the relevant emission standards specified by the Govt. of India in Bharat Stage Emissions Standards. There is also possibility of improving the efficiency of rural industries and appliances. Finally to improve the economy of rural population there should be more industries in rural areas.