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Mrs. Priya Srivastava
President, Women Welfare
Contact: +91-8851101098
Integrated SDGs |
UTTHAN - 2012
at BM Group of Institutions, Farrukhnagar, Gurgaon, Haryana
Held on Nov 8-9,2012. |
Seminar on Sustainable Development |
Theme : Conservation of Natural Resources through Innovative Technology |
of Seminar
Utthan-2012 seminar on Sustainable Development with theme conservation of natural resources through innovative technology was held on 8th-9th November,2012 at BM Group of Institutions, Farrukhnagar, Gurgaon. The conference was inaugurated by Shri K Rajendaran Nayar, lAS, Former Commissioner, Handloom Commission, Govt. of lndia. Shri B L Sharma, Chairman, BM Group of Institutions, Gurgaon welcomes the participants,
L speakers and important dignitaries present in the inaugural function. Dr. S P Dubey,
Founder and Coordinator of Centre of Technology for Sustainab1e Deve opment {CTSD) spoke on the occasion and gave introduction of Utthan-2012. Other important dignities such as Dr R P Singh, Former Principal Scientist of All India Agriculture Research Institute, PUSHA, Delhi and Shri P L Kohli, Advise-r BM Group of Institutions also spoke on the occasion.
Above 190 participants participated in the seminar. Participants constitutes students-88, faculty-35, representative of industry and R&D Centre-30, Farmers-40. One theme session and total 5 technical sessions were held.

Technical session 1
was on Waste Management in which 3 technical papers were presented. The first paper was on Municipal Corporation Waste Management, second on Industrial Symbiosis and third was on Solid Waste Management.
Technical Session 2 and 3
were on Conservation of Agricultural Crop in which 4 technical papers were presented by 4 agricultural scientists of National Bureau Plant Genetic Resources (NBPGR}, PUSHA, New Delhi. First paper was on In Situ conservation on farm: a scientific approach for managing traditional crop diversity. Second paper was on significance of pest free conservation of PGR for food securitv. Third paper was on plant genetic resources in mitigating the impact of cimate change. Fourth paper was. on conservation of plant genetic resources usrng modern techniques.
Technical session 4 and 5 were on Alternate/Renewable Energy in which 4 papers was represented, first paper was on concentrated solar power second was on superior alternative biofuel to ethanol, third was on energy ratio estimation for life cycles of new bio-diesel and fourth was On 9tn Nov,2012 a valedictory function was organized in which views by different panelist were expressed and following recommendations of seminar were proposed.
The NGO should create awareness among the people regarding;
*water conservation and water harvesting
*Generation of electricity and production of bio manuar from solid waste
*Use of solar system and other alternative renewable energy sources.