Adarsh Samaj - NGO India, Faridabad
NGO India Social work and Welfare Activities
NGO in Faridabad
Regd. Office:
Adarsh Samaj Sahyog Samiti
909, Sector-9,
Faridabad-121006, Haryana, India
Phone: 9717079558,9873342449


Mrs. Priya Srivastava
President, Women Welfare
Contact: +91-8851101098
Centre of Technology for Sustainable Development
Integrated SDGs
Some of our Social Welfare Activities includes:
Child Marriages
Child Marriage   In many states of our country including delhi, child marriages at the age of below 10 years are taking place. Our samiti is working for eradication of such type of marriages. Under this programme one telecast was made on INDIA TV on 4th and 5th of January, 2006. Furture more telecast by electronic media is being planned.
Adult Education
Adult Education   The Samiti has a regular programme for providing basic education to the adults.
Scholarship for Poor and Meritorious Students
Help for Poor   Every year poor and meritorious students are selected from various schools and awarded scholarship/financial help.
Help for Poor Shri Vipul Goel, Industries Minister, Haryana Government, distributing scholarship to a poor and meritorious girl child.

Help for Poor
  "On earth there is no purifier as great as knowledge"-Bhagwat Geeta ,IV/38.Therefore for NGO, working in the field of Education is not only important but also very sacred work from humanitarian point of view. Our thought started searching effective steps of work in the field of Education. There are many Private and Govt. Schools, colleges and professional institutions available in the country. Hence starting and running an another school/ college may not the requirement of the time and otherwise also is an very involved job. Therefore, a group of intellectual class of our NGO decided to help and encourage the students of downtrodden class of the society in the area of education.

We decided to select meritorious students from poor class of society and encourage them by recognising their merit and awarding scholarships every year. With this mission our NGO has been selecting every year about forty to fifty students(Boys and Girls) from Government schools and encouraging them by recognising their merit and awarding scholarship. The reason for selecting students from Govt. Schools is, because of wards of down trodden class of society in general go to Govt. schools for education. The process of selecting poor and meritorious students is as follows:

Initially we send request letters to Principal of various Govt. Schools to forward the name of deserving students in specially designed application format with Criteria-Class VI th To XII th ,Minimum Marks in last annual Examination-60%, annual Parent Income less than Rs 1.20 lacs . After receiving applications from students recommended by principal of schools, we issue interview letters for students meeting our criteria and send it through their schools .We ask the students to bring their original last annual examination marks sheet and come with Father/Mother/Guardian for interview. A selection committee of our NGO comprising highly intellectual class of people interview students along with their Father/Mother/Guardian and select the deserving students. The main idea of conducting the interviews is to ascertain the interest of student in his / her studies and also to find out the general conditions of their homes to assess the financial conditions.

Dr. D.K. Tuli,Dr. B. Basu,Dr A K Gupta (All retired Executive Directors from Indian Oil Corpn. Ltd., R&D Center, Faridabad),Mr. A K Mishra, A scientist and former DGM of IOCL, R&D Center , Dr S P Dubey, Founder& Coordinator of our NGO, former Director of an Engineering College, former DGM of IOCL,R&D Center and President of our NGO are the members of selection committee. Deserving students based on their performance in interview ,performance in their school in their last annual examination and their parent financial condition are selected. The selected Students are asked to attend Scholarship distribution function organised by our NGO along with their parent/guardian. Social workers, Govt. Representatives, people of society are also invited to attend above function. In the presence of such an audience students merit is announced and scholarship is awarded. They are also told about value of education and for qualities of a good citizen. With our above efforts many students have become engineers, charted Accountants and many have acquired graduate and post graduate degree. Girl students are given preference as their parents tend to marry then off if they are not continuing with education.

Friends, we all do so much for our children's education but society demands that we can extend some help to students who are bright but do not get chance to get higher education because of the financial conditions of their parents .For this noble cause we appeal to people to donate generously and take pride of serving needy person and in turn serving our motherland. The financial records of the society are audited every year and we ensure absolute transparency .
Distribution of study material to Poor students
Study Material to Poor Students   Books, copies etc. are distributed to poor students of slum areas.
Establishment of Free Medical centre
Free Medical Care   A free medical Centre for the residents of slum area is run. Free consultation and medicines are provided to the needy people.
Blood Donation Camp
Blood Donation Camp   Time to time, Samiti organises Blood Donation Camps.
Other Health Services
Health Services   Yoga & Stress management Courses are organised by Samiti time to time.
Moral and Self confidence building activities:
The Samiti time to time organises discussions on "Moral and self confidence building activities" for the benefit of the common people of the society.
Financial help for Medical Treatment:
Financial help is provided to poor and helpless people for treatment of serious and expensive diseases.
Distribution of warm Clothes
Warm Clothes Distribution   Every year in winter season, warm clothes and blankets are distributed to the disables, widows, poor and old people.
Relief work in natural Calamities
Relief Work   Relief work is generally undertaken by Samiti in case of natural calamities, flood, earthquake, drought, accidents etc.
Tree Plantation
Tree Plantation   Samiti organises tree plantation work under pollution control programme.
Campaign for Pollution Control
Pollution Control Activities   Time to time, Samiti campaign for regular emission check of vehicles.
Publication of Souvenir - ABHIYAAN
Other welfare activities   The Samiti publishes a souvenir giving details of its achievement and other related issues of social service once in two years. This publication has been named as ABHIYAAN. More information about the activities of the Samiti can be had from the souvenir.
Ambulance services
Ambulance Service   An ambulance service is carried out for the help of patients on nominal charge. Poor patients for government hospitals are given preference for availing the service.
Help for marriages of Poor girls
Help for Marriages of Poor Girls   Financial help is provided to poor girl who has lost her father and mother doesn’t have sufficient means for supporting the family.
Help to poor patients
Financial help is provided to poor patients who are suffering from T.B., Cancer, Heart attack and AIDS like serious diseases.
Scientific Work
Scientific Work

Village Development
  At Rural Technology Development Centre set up jointly by Centre of Technology for Sustainable Development and Lingaya’s Institute of Management and Technology, Nachalui, Faridabad, Haryana, different type of scientific work for the benefit of small farmers and village artisan are carried out.

Time to time training is given to village people on leaf cup making machine, rope making machine (donated by NRDC), energy efficient domestic appliances, water qualities etc.
Village people are trained on Jatropa plantation, transestrification bio-diesel and its uses on bio-diesel plant and other related equipments set up by the financial help of NRDC.
Farmers are trained on Burmiculture under the rural development program.
A scientific development of animal driven prime mover with the financial help of PCRA carried out for the benefit of small farmers. With the help of a pair of bullocks water pump for irrigation, battery charging for running alternator, mechanical arrangement for running flour grinding machine, small oil expeller etc. can be operated.

Workshop and Seminar
Workshop and Seminars   Workshop and seminar related to sustainable development for rural and urban area are organized time to time. So far two national seminars and two workshops have been organized.