Adarsh Samaj - NGO India, Faridabad
NGO India Seminar on Rural Development
NGO in Faridabad
Regd. Office:
Adarsh Samaj Sahyog Samiti
909, Sector-9,
Faridabad-121006, Haryana, India
Phone: 9717079558,9873342449


Mrs. Priya Srivastava
President, Women Welfare
Contact: +91-8851101098
Centre of Technology for Sustainable Development
Integrated SDGs
    UTTHAN - 2009
    Seminar on Sustainable Development
    Theme : Rural energy with focus on solar energy

    Centre of Technology for Sustainable Development (CTSD) is a scientific wing of a non-profit making NGO; Adarsh Samaj Sahayog Samiti, Faridabad, registered on all India basis, under the society registration act. It is also registered with Ministry of Home Affairs, under FCRA and with Income Tax Deptt. under section 12 (A) and 80 G. Samiti is a social and voluntary organization engaged in welfare activities for the weaker section of the society. It is involved in the development and promotion of technology for Indian rural and urban life. CTSD mandates to work in close association with academic institutions and industry. The centre  proposes to act as catalyst for integration of research and development with the economics and social policy of the Govt. for implementation. CTSD had setup a  Rural Technology Development Center with the help of NRDC & KVIC at Lingaya's Institute of Management & Technology.

    Earlier, UTTHAN-2003 was organized with theme “Technology for poverty alleviation”. It  was inaugurated by  Honorable Minister of State for Rural Development , Sri Anna Saheb M.K.Patil. UTTHAN-2005 was organized with the theme “Technology Initiative for the Development of Rural masses” & it was inaugurated by Haryana Finance Minister Prof. Sampat Singh. These seminars were sponsored by NHPC, CSIR, PCRA, CPCB, IFTEX & AVL. And were attended by over 200 delegates. Governing Council


    Two days seminar on “Sustainable Development “ – Utthan-2009 with its theme “Rural Energy With Focus On Solar Energy” has been planned to deliberate on the energy  problems being faced by  rural people in the country. The seminar will provide a platform for discussion on related topics by brining together the academicians, research scientists and managers from different Industrial enterprises, NGOs, Govt. Institutions, organizations, farmers and others.


    A well known Engineering and Management Institution amidst villages “Lingaya’s University”, Nachauli, Old Faridabad - Jasana Road, Faridabad.


    Exhibition of various rural energy technologies has also been planned along with the seminar. This will provide direct interaction of participants & the rural people with the technologists so that they can get explained as how to adopt them for their benefits.

    A free health check up camp will also be simultaneously run for rural people in the exhibition compound


    There will be a background paper and presentation by an eminent speaker on the following topics :-

    Energy Conservation.
    Sustainable Development & Rural energy.
    Bio-gas technology, Bio-mass Gasifier technology & the prospects in India.
    Conventional energy scenario in rural area.
    Bio-fuels in rural area.
    Solar PV technology: Advantages & Limitations.
    Solar PV systems & its components.
    Solar PV lantern.
    Solar Thermal technologies- Solar Cooking system, Heating system & distillation system.
    Hydrogen fuel through solar system.
    Renewable energy & Climate change.
    Policy initiative for clean development Mechanism.
    Policy initiative for rural energy.


    Hindi and English.  Papers in Hindi are preferable. Detailed abstracts of English papers will be translated in Hindi.


    CTSD is looking for organizations that can sponsor the seminar as per the following options
    Sponsor:   Gold    -   Rs. 1.0 Lakh
         Silver  -   Rs. 50,000/-

    Co-Sponsor: Rs. 25000/-

    Four delegates for sponsor (Gold), two for sponsor (Silver) and one for Co-sponsor will be registered as free delegate.


    The seminar will be informative and useful for the individuals & for the organization/ Institutions/Agencies/Govt. & Non Government organizations working in the relevant areas.

    Persons working in the areas of identified topics are invited to submit their papers as per following deadlines:

    Abstract with title      :         15th July 2009
    Full paper                     :         15th Sept. 2009


    Category Fee per participant


    Rs.3000 /-
    Govt. & Academic Institution Rs.1800 /-
    NGO Rs.1200 /-
    Students Rs.600/-
    Farmers Rs.150/-
    Exhibitors Rs.3000/-

    (For 3m x 2m stall)


    Participants are requested to send their duly filled registration forms by 5th October 2009.

    The registered delegates will be entitled to get the seminar kit with technical papers. They are also welcome to join hospitality such as tea, coffee and lunch both the days.


    Commercial advertisements are invited for publication in souvenir at following tariff.

    1.  Full Back Page                         Rs.  5,000 /-
    2.  Full Back of Front page          Rs.  3,000/- 
    3.  Full Back of Back Page          Rs.  3,000/- 
    4.  Full page advertisement        Rs.  2,000/-
    inside the souvenir


    The sponsorship amount, exhibition charges, participant fee and commercial advertisement charges will be payable by cheque/ demand draft in favour of “Adarsh Samaj Sahayog Samiti (A/Cs CTSD)” Payable at Faridabad.


    Sh. Anand Kumar, Director (R&D)
    Indian Oil Corporation Ltd. R&D Centre

    PATRON :

    Dr. Rajeev Sharma
    President, Advance Interfaces, USA

    Dr. R.K. Malhotra,
    Executive Director, Indian Oil
    R & D Centre, Faridabad.

    Prof. V.K. Sinha,
    (Chairman, Lingaya’s Institute of Management and Technology)

    Sh. N.K.Sharma, Former MD, NRDC.
    Sh. S.N.Parsad, Rtd. Chief Commiss.( I.T.)
    Dr. R.K.Pandey, Prof. IIT Delhi.
    Dr. V. K. Vijay, Associate prof. IIT Delhi.
    Dr. R.P.Singh, Rtd. Principal Scientist AIARI
    Dr. K.L.Patel, DGM, IOC, R&D, Faridabad.
    Sh. J.M.Gahlaut, Sect. Indian red cross society Faridabad.
    Dr. S.P. Srivastava, Ex. ED, IOCL R&D
    Sh. A.K. Mehta, Ex. GM, IOCL R&D.
    Sh. S.K. Gupta, Sr. Advisor Irade.
    Sh. S.N.Pandey Met. Engg. QGPC Qatar.
    Sh. S.N.Sharma, Director, Priyanca Fabrics.
    Dr. Y.S. Goyal, Director, LIMAT.
    Sh. P.L. Kohli, Advisor, LIMAT.
    Sh. K.B. Dubey, V. P, Adarsh Samaj.
    Sh. R.B.Koganti.
    Sh. Rajan Mittal.
    Dr. G.K.Sharma.
    Dr. S.P.Dubey.


    For further information pleases contact

    Sh. Rajan Mittal
    Organising secretary, UTTHAN 2009

    Mobile: 91-9953830084
    E-mail :


    Centre of Technology for Sustainable Development (CTSD)
    Adarsh Samaj Sahayog Samiti 909/ Sector-9, Faridabad –121 006 (Haryana)


    Dr.G.K.Sharma ,                           
    Mobile: 91-9818856444 

    Dr. S.P.Dubey           
    Mobile: 91-9873342449
    UTTHAN -2005 - at Lingaya’s Institute Of Management & Technology (LIMAT) Nachauli, Old Faridabad- Jasana Road Faridabad on February 18-20, 2005
    Seminar on Sustainable Development
    Theme: Technology Initiatives for the Development of Rural masses.
    Summary of Seminar

    The seminar was attended by nearly 186 participants including 102 eminent scientists, technologist, bureaucrats, academician, Social workers and Sarpanch, 60 farmers and 24 participants from LIMAT. Seminar was inaugurated by Prof. Sampat Singh, Finance Minister, Haryana. Sh. J.C. Srivastava, Former Vice Chancellor, Chitrakut University and Sh. N.R. Raje, Director IOC, R&D Faridabad graced the occasion with their presence. Twenty six papers were presented by eminent experts of the different field of the work in the country during six technical sessions. Two interactive sessions was also organized for the benefits of farmers.
    Some of the topics discussed and few potential concepts are summarized below :

    It was based on organic and advanced farming in which knowledge was given to the farmers by Dr. R.P. Singh, Dr. T.P. Trivedi and Dr. Ranbir Singh from Indian Agriculture Research Institute (IARI), Pusa, New Delhi.
    It was based on Rural Entrepreneurship and Dairy Farming in which knowledge was given to the farmers by Dr. Anita Jhamtani (IARI, Pusa, New Delhi), Dr. V. K. Sharma (IARI, Pusa, New Delhi), Dr. G. C. Yadav (Indian Institute of Agriculture Engineering, Bhopal) and Dr. V. K. Vijay from Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Delhi.
    Themes on which Keynote papers were presented are as follows:
    Rural development (4 papers were presented)
    Water, Energy and Land are the most basic requirements for the rural development. Issues related to water management, alternative sources of energy for farmers and land conservation and development were discussed.
    Entrepreneurship development in Agriculture (6 papers were presented)
    Issues related to the entrepreneurship development in Agriculture and the qualities to become a successful entrepreneur were discussed. A list of improved farm implements and machines available for seed bed preparation and advanced agriculture implements for rural women was also given. Technology for the manufacturing of low cost Sanitary napkins was also mentioned in detail.
    Organic and Biodynamic Farming (4 papers were presented)
    Recent development in production and uses of bio-manure and pesticides in IPM under NATP umbrella and NCIPM efforts were discussed. Advantages and objectives of Organic farming for the farmers were presented. The problems faced during the organic farming and their solutions were also presented. Biodynamic or Bio farming which is also known as Rishi-Krishi is holistic science of Indian lifestyle and biosphere management having ample diversity, flexibility, accessibility and affordability with no side effects. The increasing concerns for environmental, social and economic impact of poisonous chemical, petro-products and exotics can be reduced by adopting Biodynamic. .
    Development and use of Biogas and Bio-diesel (6 papers were presented)
    Papers were presented on potential of Bio fuels for the development of rural areas, Biomass Gasifier systems for decentralized rural applications. Indian Oil’s efforts for oil security through Bio-diesel from Jatropa and its socio-economic aspects were also given. Technique of plantation of Jatropa along with wheat crop was discussed. Commercialization of Bio-diesel in socio-economic context of India was also presented.
    Rural Health and Hygiene (2 papers were presented)
    Health is the most important wealth of any human being. The state of rural health problems is subject related to poverty, lack of education, poor sanitation and environment neglect by or non available health care system. Various rules were given which can be followed to maintain good health. Lot of issues related to the rural health problems, disease pattern in rural and urban area, and the ways in which communities can participate to identify the factors which lead to the diseases and how to eliminate them, were discussed.

    Key note papers were also presented on Animal energy and opportunity for employment of rural masses, Integrated rural dairy system and Sustainable development-Man and nature.
    Free medical camp
    A free medical camp was organized for health check-up of nearby villagers. Expert medical team of Escorts Medical centre and Research centre, Faridabad examined the health of nearly 200 villagers of the nearby villages.
    An exhibition on solar system, dairy based products, agriculture based products, energy conservation by PCRA, works related to rural development by NRDC and social organization related materials was organized.