The conference was successfully organized on 6-7th November, 2009 at Lingaya’s University. Above 175 delegates participated in seminar and 20 technical papers in two days in 6 technical session and one theme session were presented by different speakers from ONGC, IOCL, IARI, Faridabad District Administration, IIT Delhi, PCRA, Lingaya’s University, TERI, NGO, CIAE, Al-Falah School of Engineering & Technology.
Delegates from Academic Institutions, R&D Centre, Govt. Organizations (ONGC, IOCL, IARI, PCRA, MNRE, CIAE, IIP) & Pvt. Organizations, NGO, Students & Farmers participated in the conference. The brief of presentation technical session wise is given below.
Exhibition on Solar appliances, energy conservation was also organized in conference in which four companies participated. A free medical check-up camp for rural people was also organized. About 100 people got examined in the camp.

Inaugural Function
Chief Guest: Dr. D.M. Kale (Director General Energy Center ONGC)
Seminar started with lightening the lamp by honorable chief guests Dr. D.M. Kale, Dr A.K Bhatnagar, Dr.R. P. Singh, Dr. G.K. Sharma, Mr. K.K Agrawal and Dr. S.P. Dubey.
In the Welcome speech address by Mr. K.K Agrawal (Chief Patron, Lingaya’s University) he acquainted students with the fact that university contributes a lot in the research field and they have collaboration with research organizations.
After the welcome speech, Dr. G.K Sharma (Former Director, NATRIP, New Delhi) gave introduction of CTSD and Briefed about the Program of the Seminar. After which Dr A.K Bhatnagar(Former Director,IOC R&D) Addressed the members of the seminar.
Chief guest Dr. D.M. Kale gave inaugural address and declared the seminar inaugurated subsequent to which the vote of thanks was given by Dr. S.P. Dubey, Coordinator, CTSD
Then Inauguration of exhibition was done by Dr. Prashada Rao former Director IIP Dehradun. Free medical check-up camp was inaugurated by Dr. R.P.Singh former Principal scientist Indian Agriculture Research Institute, PUSA, New Delhi.
Theme Session
Dr. D.M. Kale spoke on oil consumption in India and how need of energy increased from past to current. He acquainted students with the 10 top problems of Humanity, Incident Solar Energy, and Renewable Energy Source. He throws the light on the future scenario of energy and talked about sterling engine developed by ONGC, energy centre.
Dr. G.K Sharma spoke on Sustainable development. He put in the picture that Sustainable development work on three areas Economic and Environment and energy is needed in all. He informed that sustainability is established by conservation. He also put spotlight on Biomass energy and told that effective and efficient methods are needed to develop to use this energy.
Dr A.K Bhatnagar spoke on changing face of downstream hydrocarbon refining industry in India.
Dr. R.P. Singh Spoke on Soil Erosion and pollution by direct use of biomass like wood, cow dung and effects of soil erosion in rivers. He also talked that all this is due to deforestation. He also spoke about the problems related to water
Following which Dr. R.K. Panday, Prof. IIT Delhi summarised the theme session and Dr. Prashada Rao former Director IIP thanked all for excellent presentation in the theme session and presented Mementos to the speakers.

Technical Session – I & II
P.C. Sharma talked on solar water heater, its working, why it is important, Initiatives for solar water heater system and promotion of solar water heater by govt. of Haryana.
Mr. A.K. Mehta spoke on “India the land that worships Sun”. He mentioned the worship of Surya in different Mythology. He also enlightened audience with interesting facts of solar energy, India’s primary energy demand and highlighted the advantages of solar energy.
Mr. Lakshmi Narayan spoke on estimation of link turbidity factor for different regions of India and gave data in various states in India and variation in the past years.
Dr. Rajiv Srivastava told about production of hydrogen energy through natural gas and solar system. He described properties of Hydrogen energy and problem being faced in its storage and transportation system.
O.P Mishra spoke on solar drying of AGRO production and gave a brief about working of solar air heaters, their types and advantages.
To conclude, Mr. Arun Mishra summarized the session & appealed for adopting solar energy with fashion & passion.
Dr. S.P. Srivastava gave thanks to each speakers for excellent presentation and presented Mementos to the speakers.
Second Day
Technical session – III & IV
Technical session was chaired by Dr. Baldao Singh, Rtd. Director IARI, Pussa , New Delhi and co-chaired by Sh. A.K. Mehta former GM IOCL R&D Centre, Faridabad.
Mr. R.S. Singh told the background of the people in Agriculture, development of Animal Power Driven Prime Mover discussed about production of electricity using bullocks.
Dr. G.C. Yadav informed about renewable energy for income generation and elaborated his paper about the generation of income by animals.
Dr. S.K. Pradhan spoke above the potential of production of crude Glycerol from biodiesel its demand, uses, and advantages.
Dr. Sunil Dhingra spoke on Biomass gasification technique and discussed about TERI efforts made for Bio mass gasifier.
At the conclusion of session Dr. A.K. Mehta summarized the session and chairperson Dr. Baldao Singh thanked to speakers for excellent presentation and present mementos to the speakers.

Technical session - V
Dr. Baldao Singh informed about the set of challenges being faced by rural people for & the solutions for agricultural problems. He also suggested many ways for making a village self sufficient using renewable energy.
Mr. Pankaj Aggarwal addressed the audience on the energy conservation for sustainable development and explained working & advantages of solar water heater.
Dr. Anjali Jain discussed on the renewable energy and explained Solar Photo Voltaic system, its design, working and Advantages.
in the last part Sunil Dhingra summarized the session, expessed gratitude towards the speakers and presented mementos to them.
Technical session - VI
Mr. S.P. Singh articulated on Global warming, it’s negative impacts and ways of controlling it.
Dr. S.P. Dubey talked about the importance of human energy. How it become useful for human society and it become disastrous if it is used in improper way. He appealed for selfless efforts by every individual. He also spoke on Global warming.
Mr. K.M. Rafi put into words, his thoughts on energy crisis. He conveyed that we have to take responsibilities to solve this crisis.
Mr. Umesh Srivastav expressed his views on the contribution being made by Indian Oil Corporation in the field of solar energy.
Valedictory Session
End of the session was done with valuable words of Shri A.K Shukla Scientist G, MNRE, Dr. G.K.Sharma, Former Director, NATRIP, Mr. A.K.Mehta, Former GM, IOCL R&D, Dr R.P. Singh, Former Principal Scientist, IARI, Mr. Rajan Mittal, Sr. Resource Manager, Lingaya’s University.
A brief of seminar was presented by Mr. A.K.Mehta & expert panelist expressed their views on the two days seminar.
Following are the concluded views.
Work in the field of renewable energy is very important for the country and NGOs to play important role for its implementations in the country. |
NGOs should campaign and create awareness among the rural masses for importance of renewable energy |
NGOs should adopt one village and do the work of upliftment of village. |
Action Points for future work
Campaign and awareness creation for renewable energy for rural area. |
To explore possibility of obtaining fund from central/state govt. for adoption of a village for total upliftment. |
To organized similar seminar in year 2009. |