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Integrated SDGs |
Hotel Rajhans, Surajkund, Faridabad, Haryana on April 4-5, 2003 |
Previous Events |
of Seminar
The seminar was attended by nearly 120 participants.
Honorable Minister of State for Rural Development, Shri
Anna Seheb M.K. Patil and Honorable Minister of Finance,
Govt. of Haryana, Shri Sampat Singh graced the occasion
with their presence. Many other eminent scientists,
technologist, bureaucrats, academician, Social workers
and Sarpanches participated in the seminar, Twenty two
paper were presented by eminent experts of the different
field of the work in the country.
Some of the topics discussed and few potential concepts are summarized belows-
To improve the quality of life, there should be availability of more energy in the rural sector Several potential options emerged. Animal energy continues to be the major source with only slight decline with time. By improving the energy transmission system and appliances, there appears to be sufficient scope in increasing the efficiency of animal energy use. This step will be of value in the immediate future. Improving the performance and efficiency of appliances should receive proper attention.
Vegetable Oil from Plants
In wasteland area there is vast scope of growing plants producing non-edible oil, which can be converted to bio-diesel. The fuel in turn can be used in DG sets to generate electricity.
Biogas Generation
There are number of biogas plants in operation in the country. However, there is need to have even wider application of this technology. Other areas of further investigation/consolidation are-improving the conversion efficiency, producing more methane and less CO2, increasing the feedstock base from cow dung to night-soil, vegetable waste, agricultural waste etc.
Distributed Hydroelectric Energy Generation
Small Hydroelectric Generations can be encouraged to satisfy local needs, wherever certain potential exits.
Ultimate Distributed Energy System
In the long run, there is need to develop economical solar energy or fuel cell based distributed energy system to cater individual households.
Agricultural Operation
In one of the paper; it is indicated that the productivity of agricultural operations in India is extremely poor. There is need to improve productivity by giving due attention to required inputs, rationalization, proper implementation/sequencing of different operations, use of improved appliances, etc. Production of bio-manure from different waste materials should be encouraged, judicious use of bio-manure, bio-pesticide and chemical and chemical fertilizer and pesticide should be considered.
Availability of quality water supply is a basic need in rural areas. There is need to establish availability of water, organize its supply within the reach of the population, examine the quality in relation to drinking water quality requirements, covering, micro organisms. Heavy metals, other toxics, pesticides, etc. The Clean-up methods should be established and implemented. For removal of pathogens, a cheap solar radiation treatment method has been developed. However, there should be alternate method available during rainy season, if the above method is recommended.
Data of indoor and outdoor air quality needs to be collected. Kerosene sulphur level should be reduced. Superior fuel may be provided for cooking. Village Industries, relocated and grass-root establishments should have desired efficiency and meet the emission standards. Pollution generating village operations should be modified to environment friendly practices.
Sanitation and Health Care
Toilets are another basic requirements in rural community. Provision of proper toilets and proper disposal of waste is an urgent necessity. Integration of Rural community needs to be covered by national immunity programs and have reasonable access to basic and proper health care facility. Family planning is required to be ensure that available resources are not unduly fragmented.
Management Systems and Human Quality
The administrative and political system followed since independence has failed to change much the quality of life in villages. Systems with direct involvement of concerned people in identifying the problems, choosing the programs for solution and implementing them can assist in achieving the desired objectives.
We have failed to provide primary education to all children. Education will be a major instrument in bringing change in all areas, changing the mindset, adopting newer ideas, taking initiatives and moving towards improving the quality of life. In addition to primary education to all children, adult education is required to correct the large backlog created. Finally vocational training for village workforce should provide necessary skills to provide relevant services to the village and nearby urban communities.
Technology Transfer
There are many newer concepts, which are emerging in India and abroad. For example use of minimum water in irrigating for agriculture, etc. The village communities may benefit by properly evaluating the concepts and adopting the relevant ideas. Academic Institutes and NGO's can make significant contribution in the transfer of Technology.
Rural Industries
Rural industries need not be polluting. They should have their relevant emission standards. There is also possibility of improving the efficiency of rural industries and appliances. Finally to improve the economy of rural population there should be more industries in rural areas. NRDC has a list of rural technology being offered. The relevant ones need to be properly evaluated and potential ones duly considered.
In Haryana growing and producing different grades of Hena including Herbal based for export appears interesting.
Indian villages have fine tradition of handicraft and handloom. Providing proper linkage for marketing, consumer feedback, preference, designing newer products etc. can boost activities in this area improving the rural economy. Other areas of interest are food processing, use of locally availably material for industry, bagasse for paper making fly-ash for construction material, etc.